Safe use of diisocyanates

Subject: Regulation {EU) 2020/1149 and its annexes, concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals {REACH) as regards diisocyanates.

With reference to the introduction of mandatory training for users of diisocyanates, as required by Regulation (EU} 2020/1149, we would like to remind you that as of 24/08/2023, industriai and professional use is only permitted after receiving appropriate training.

In compliance with the Regulation, which defines that the user recipient must be provided with the training materials and access to the training courses referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the aforementioned Regulation, we would like to inform you that training can be accessed via the Safe Use Diisocyanates website (link ).This is an e-learning platform that provides sectorspecific courses on the topic of diisocyanates. Alternatively, you can turn to your trusted consultant.

We would like to point out that training must be renewed at least every five years.

We rema in at your disposal for any need you may have. 



Update 14/02/2024

Limit values for diisocyanates for the first time

Diisocyanates are harmful to human health; for the first time there will also be limits for exposure to diisocyanates, which can cause allergic reactions and respiratory diseases such as asthma.

The new law sets the occupational exposure limit for diisocyanates at 6 µg NCO/m³ (the maximum concentration to which a worker can be exposed during an eight-hour working day) and at 12 µg NCO/m³ for short-term exposure (that is, a period of 15 minutes).

The European Commission will review these limits by 2029.
