Single unit (internal+external)

When the summer heat sets in, the only desire we have is to find some relief. The best solution is to buy and install an air conditioner.
When a fan is not enough to provide the comfort you are looking for, as it simply moves the warm air in the room, it is a good idea to start looking for a solution. If even a portable air conditioner does not meet your needs, despite the convenience of moving the machine at will to the room you want being a real great advantage, then the best solution is undoubtedly to buy an air conditioner.
It is important to decide where to install it while carefully considering a few points: what is the surface area of the room you need to cool? Depending on the size of your rooms, you will know which air conditioner to choose so that the unit can effectively cool the rooms you want, while also taking efficiency and energy savings into account. This analysis can help you understand if you may need to install more than one air conditioner.
After choosing where to place the air conditioner, it is a good idea to choose which type to purchase. On you will find portable monoblocks, without an external unit, portable and fixed splits, or multi splits. Each one has different characteristics, which is why you have to pay close attention to what your real needs are, so that you can choose correctly what you need and avoid wasting time and money.
