Basin cabinets

Attention to furnishings in the bathroom is an important point, one must have a critical eye and a great sense of aesthetics, which are fundamental criteria for knowing how to choose the most suitable under-basin cabinet to satisfy your functionality and practicality needs, but which also are an integral part of the bathroom furnishings.
Specially designed to support the basin in a personal care setting, it must be big enough to comfortably hold all personal care products, washcloths and towels.
The designs in our catalogue ensure a wide choice of modern and sophisticated styles, with essential and minimalist features, as well as more classic and traditional ones for those who love settings reminiscent of the past.
Choosing the right basin cabinet ensures that your corner of peace and quiet is tidy and clean. As each item will have its own spot, you will always have a tidy and well-organised environment.
The different sizes and finishes give you a wide range of choices, so you can find your ideal basin cabinet.
If you have any doubts or would like more information on the sizes and finishes available, please contact us. Qualified personnel are at your disposal to give you the best advice.


  • Bathroom
    available now
    • Netto



     € 733.83