TAX DEDUCTIONS | page in update
Italian law has granted tax deductions on the cost of building renovation and energy efficiency upgrading projects.
The tax deduction is the amount you can deduct from your taxes, reducing the amount of tax you have to pay.
* For Inland Revenue guidance see "fascicolo 2 - Agenzia delle Entrate – edizione marzo 2019 – Le agevolazioni fiscali per il risparmio energetico"
* For official guidance see "fascicolo 4 - Angaisa - edizione 2019 – Detrazione fiscale 50%"
* For official guidance see "fascicolo 5 - Angaisa - edizione 2019 – Detrazione fiscale 50%-65%"
* For official guidance see "fascicolo 6 - Angaisa - edizione 2025 – IVA Ridotta nell’edilizia"
The following parties are eligible for the fiscal deduction
Renovation bonus - Routine and special building renovation works - 50% tax deduction.
* For Inland Revenue guidance see "fascicolo 1 - Agenzia delle Entrate – edizione ottobre 2022 – Ristrutturazioni edilizie: le agevolazioni fiscali"
* For official guidance see "fascicolo 4 - Angaisa - edizione 2019 – Detrazione fiscale 50%"
Update in progress
Energy Efficiency Bonus - Energy efficiency upgrading/improvement works - 50%-65% tax deduction.
* For Inland Revenue guidance see "fascicolo 2 - Agenzia delle Entrate – edizione marzo 2019 – Le agevolazioni fiscali per il risparmio energetico"
* For official guidance see "fascicolo 5 - Angaisa - edizione 2019 – Detrazione fiscale 50%-65%"
Update in progress
Air-conditioner bonus – Purchase of a heat-pump air-conditioner – tax deduction min. 50% max 65%.
* For Inland Revenue guidance see "fascicolo 2 - Agenzia delle Entrate – edizione marzo 2019 – Le agevolazioni fiscali per il risparmio energetico"
* For official guidance see "fascicolo 5 - Angaisa - edizione 2019 – Detrazione fiscale 50%-65%"
Update in progress
Furniture bonus - Purchase of furniture and large white goods – tax deduction 50%.
Update to 13/01/2025
In order to qualify for the tax deduction, payments should be made by long-form bank transfer (fiscal bank transfer) which specifies:
Bank Transfer beneficiary:
ACQUATICA Spa – Banca Popolare di Sondrio – Palazzolo s/O (Brescia) branch
IBAN: IT 66 R 05696 54900 000002090X28
The payment may be made by other methods provided it complies with the provisions of the relevant legislation and with the guidelines provided by the Inland Revenue (see instructions relating to the intended type of bonus).
In the event of error, the payment can be repeated by the correct procedure at a cost of €50.00 to cover our administrative expenses.
LOW RATE VAT at 4% and 10%
* For official guidance see "fascicolo 6 - Angaisa - edizione 2025 – IVA Ridotta nell’edilizia"
4% VAT - new build, first home or extension.
The following are eligible for low rate VAT:
The prerequisites for low rate VAT on some products for use in the home are:
The documents you will have to send us to qualify for low rate VAT are:
10% VAT
* For Inland Revenue guidance see "fascicolo 1 - Agenzia delle Entrate – edizione ottobre 2022 – Ristrutturazioni edilizie: le agevolazioni fiscali"
* For official guidance see "fascicolo 6 - Angaisa - edizione 2025 – IVA Ridotta nell’edilizia"
The following are eligible for low rate VAT:
The prerequisites for low rate VAT on some products for use in the home are:
Low rate VAT can only be granted on renovation projects if you have a Notice of Commencement/Certified Notice of Commencement which specifies "Building Renovation" or "Restoration and Conservation".
10% VAT cannot always be granted if the Notice of Commencement/Certified Notice of Commencement carries different wording such as "Routine Maintenance" or "Extraordinary Maintenance", since work of this kind involves work being performed by a contractor who has been awarded a tender contract.
The documents you will have to send us to qualify for low rate VAT are:
* For official guidance see "fascicolo 7 - Agenzia delle Entrate – edizione febbraio 2023 – Guida alle agevolazioni fiscali ed ai contributi regionali per le persone disabili"
* For official guidance see "fascicolo 6 - Angaisa - edizione 2025 – IVA Ridotta nell’edilizia"
Facilitations are available for disabled people who purchase products and devices prescribed by a District Health Authority specialist physician, provided the product is necessary to improve and ensure their level of independence
The documents you will have to send us to qualify for low rate VAT are:
IMPORTANT: if you are entitled to low rate VAT you can place the order in the usual way; we will send you the "confirmation of order" with the correct rate of VAT as soon as we receive all the documentation listed above.
The above information is for guidance only and we cannot accept responsibility for any unintentional errors and/or inaccuracies.
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