Limestone prevention system

When the water in your home is particularly hard, it is important to consider installing a limescale prevention system to solve the problem.
On, we have selected for you only the best brands of limescale prevention systems at the best online prices.
The innovative products you will find on our website are the result of long and meticulous research, which have shown truly remarkable results compared to many other products.
The proposed limescale prevention systems keep pipes and household appliances free of limescale deposits and even prevent them from forming deposits. The technology of the selected products guarantees drinking water quality by eliminating limescale thanks to the presence of special granules in the cartridge that bind the calcium and magnesium minerals present in the water and transform them into microscopic crystals that in turn remain suspended and transported by the water flow, making it impossible for impurities to adhere to the surfaces.
The system prevents limescale deposits on pipes and taps, ensuring a much longer life for household appliances and improved efficiency of the water system. The effectiveness can be seen immediately, as the systems offered remove the limescale already present in the pipes before the product is even installed.
The limescale prevention systems available on are perfect for both domestic use and for hotels, restaurants and clubs.


  • Systems products
    • 23%


    Watts Fittings kit One Flow item: S0002134

     € 181.02

    € 235.09

  • Systems products
    • 23%