Bathtub tap fittings

Bathtub taps and mixers are among the most important bathroom elements to consider.
In order to have the whole bathroom ambience in harmony, the ideal would be to choose a specific line, so that you have a whole coordinated set, perfectly matched to each bathroom component. If you are looking for contrast, you have a complete catalogue at your disposal containing many different models, always and only from the best brands, with the most advantageous prices.
We have selected a wide range of bathtub taps and mixers for you. You will find all external parts with the corresponding recessed parts, complete bathtub mixers with or without hand shower, and bath-edge mixers and taps, including mixer, hand shower and spout. All to give you the utmost comfort during your relaxation time and for the best aesthetic result, with many designs perfect for every style of bathroom furniture.
You can choose from different models and finishes, counting on a rich catalogue where you can find the bathtub tapware that best suits your needs. If you would like more information, contact us. Experienced professionals are ready to provide you with the solution you are looking for.


  • Bathroom
    • 39%


    Paffoni Exposed bathtub mixer Sly Item: SY022

     € 120.45

    € 197.40

  • Bathroom
    • 39%


    Paffoni Shower/bathtub mixer Steel STEEL 026 AC

     € 556.84

    € 912.56

  • Bathroom
    • 42%
  • Bathroom
    available now
    • 10%
  • Bathroom
    available now
    • 39%


    Paffoni Complete exposed bathtub mixer Level LEC023CR

     € 218.34

    € 357.83

  • Bathroom
    • 38%
  • Bathroom
    • 39%
  • Bathroom
    • 42%
  • Bathroom
    available now
    • 42%